- In order to connect the database, You need to download the ReadBean ORM Library. The ReadBean PHP ORM library can be download here.
How to build the project with PHP?
This example shows how to use the PHP with SmartClient ListGrid component, by connection ReadBean ORM library with a ListGrid. The following steps are required:
Create server-side code to fetch data from database and respresent it in the JSON format necessary for SmartClient components:
This code will perform the fetching and return the response in JSON format
:Please , Please create the fetch.php.
Code Block theme Eclipse language php title fetch.php firstline 1 linenumbers true <?php // importing the ReadBean library require 'rb.php'; // Including the DResponse source require 'DSResponse.php'; // Connecting to the database R::setup('mysql:host=[HOSTNAME];dbname=[DB_NAME],'USER_NAME','PASSWORD'); // Get the data source list $products = R::getAll('Select * from supplyitem'); // Disconnect to the database R::close();
// SmartClient accept JSON in special format, $response = new DSResponse(); $response->setProducts($products); $response->setStartRow(0); $response->setEndRow(count($products)-1); $response->setTotalRows(count($products)); $response->setStatus(0); // Convert from DResponse Object to Array for JSON encoding $result['response'] = (Array)$response; // Create JSON from php data structure and output it. echo json_encode($result); ?>
Code Block theme Eclipse language php title DResponse.php firstline 1 linenumbers true <? abstract class Bean { public function __get($propertyName) { $method = 'get' . ucfirst($propertyName); if (!method_exists($this, $method)) { $method = 'is' . ucfirst($propertyName); if(!method_exists($this, $method)) { throw new Exception('Invalid read property ' . $propertyName . ' in ' . get_class($this) . ' class.'); } } return $this->$method; } public function __isset($propertyName) { try { $_value = $this->__get($propertyName); return !empty($_value); } catch (Exception $e) { /* if a property isn't readable it isn't set*/ return false; } } public function __set($propertyName, $value) { $method = 'set' . ucfirst($propertyName); if ('mapper' == $method || !method_exists($this, $method)) { throw new Exception('Invalid write property ' . $propertyName . ' in ' . get_class($this) . ' class.'); } return $this->$method($value); } public function populate(array $map = null) { if(!empty($map)) { foreach($map as $key => $value) { try { $this->
dsf__set($key, $value); } catch (Exception $e) { /* evaluated $key isn't a bean writable property. Let's go to next one */ } } } return $this; } }
c. DResponse.php
Code Block theme Eclipse language php title DResponse.php firstline 1 linenumbers true <?php require 'bean.php'; class DSResponse extends Bean { // variables /* Read/Write property*/ var $data; /* Read/Write property*/ var $startRow; /* Read/Write property*/ var $endRow; /* Read/Write property*/ var $totalRows; /* Read/Write property*/ var $status; public function setProducts($value) { $this->data = empty($value) ? null : (Array)$value; return $this; } public function getProducts( ) { return $this->data; } public function setStartRow($value) { $this->startRow = (int)$value; return $this; } public function getStartRow( ) { return $this->startRow; } public function setEndRow($value) { $this->endRow = (int)$value; return $this; } public function getEndRow( ) { return $this->endRow; } public function setTotalRows($value) { $this->totalRows = (int)$value; return $this; } public function getTotalRows( ) { return $this->totalRows; } public function setStatus($value) { $this->status = (int)$value; return $this; } public function getStatus( ) { return $this->status; } }
Creating the database
Create a database on mysql server management tool like phpmyadmin, workbrench etc.
Once the mysql service started, please run the following sql:
Code Block | ||||||||||
| ||||||||||
create database app1; |
And please create the new table:
Column name | Data Type | Allow Nulls | Additional |
iteamID | int | No | identity and Primary Key |
itemName | varchar(128) | No | |
SKU | varchar(10) | No | |
description | varchar(2000) | Yes | |
category | varchar(128) | Yes | |
units | varchar(5) | No | |
unitCost | float | Yes | |
inStock | int | Yes | |
nextShipment | datetime | Yes |
Save the table with the name "supplyItem", then open the table data and add one two of sample rows(so that the ListGrid we ultimately load this data into has some valid rows to display).