Wiki Guidance and Terms of Use

Wiki Guidance and Terms of Use

Guidelines and Terms of use for the Isomorphic Public Wiki


  • Create pages for new examples, new documentation, setup procedures, integration approaches, troubleshooting approaches, instructions for use of related tools, and other items of interest to developers using the product 
  • Try to find an appropriate spot to add a link to new pages you create. Please be respectful of other contributors and place a link to your content according to an honest assessment of how many developers would be interested in what you've added (that is, don't just add a new major heading on the front page). 
  • Create links to forums threads, blog posts and other sites that contain useful discussions or examples not found in the product. Ideally, summarize the content in addition to providing a link 
  • Clearly spell out which product you're talking about (SmartGWT or SmartClient or both), what edition is required to use your code (LGPL, Pro, Power, Enterprise) and what version of the product is required (if applicable) 
  • Translate documentation or examples into your native tongue, especially overview documentation - See the Translations Section

If you create a reusable component, consider also contributing it to the SmartGWT-Extensions project (http://code.google.com/p/smartgwt-extensions/). 
If you've added documentation or a sample that you think is complete and polished enough to add to the product itself, please do suggest this to Isomorphic by posting in the Forums

  • Ask a question, report a bug, or request a feature by adding content to a wiki page. Post in the forums and link to the wiki page for context if needed. 
  • Advertise a product or service. Attaching your name and email to a page you've created is fine and could lead to being hired, but you may not solicit employment offers. 
  • Write opinions about Isomorphic or Isomorphic's products, or comparisons to other products. This is acceptable on the forums but the wiki is intended for neutral technical information. 

If you're not sure if something belongs on the wiki, ask in the forums.

General Terms

Civil conduct - This site shall not be used for any malicious, inflammatory, unsavoury or slanderous material that in any way damages or attempts to damage the name or reputation of Isomorphic Software. Failure to adhere to these standards will result in expulsion from the wiki , removal of any access rights and possible further civil action.

Copyright - By posting to this wiki you acknowledge the content is publicly available and you relinquish any personal rights to it. Any code used from this site by Isomorphic is considered public domain and personal ownership cannot be claimed by any individual, for any sample, that goes on to be used in the products.