Detecting concurrent edits with long transactions

Detecting concurrent edits with long transactions


There are various situations when editing data can take a significant amount of time. In those cases where many people are working on the same dataset, is not unusual to find circumstances where multiple people are working on the same data, each of them being completely unaware that they could potentially be overwriting data other people have just saved. In order to overcome this, there is standard DataSource functionality to detect when concurrent saves appears,  to notify the user that the record they are editing has already been changed by someone else. This still allows the user to overwrite the record with their own changes, continue editing or cancel the changes they have made.

To keep it simple and small, we will use the builtinDS sample. To this we will add an additional DataSource which will check for concurrent save. We will then add the required code to allow the user to make decisions about what should be done with the data.

The following part of the document assumes you have already successfully imported the sample into Eclipse and can run it without errors. Please refer to the README file in the builtinDS sample project for the required steps to import it.

Creating the new DataSource and the required test data

  • Locate the war/ds/ folder in the Eclipse project explorer and copy the supplyItem.ds.xml to a new file called supplyItemLong.ds.xml
  • Locate the war/ds/test_data/ folder in the Eclipse project explorer and copy supplyItemLarge.data.xml to supplyItemLong.data.xml
  • Locate the war/ds/test_data/ folder in the Eclipse project explorer and copy supplyItemLarge.data.xml to supplyItemLargeLong.data.xml
  • Open supplyItemLong.ds.xml for editing and change the following attributes to reflect the id of the newly created datasource and the new data to be imported:

Attribute name








(Small side note: although the sample holds the absolute path for dbImportFileName, it is possible when importing the DataSource the import tool won't see the test data, unless it has been correctly specified in the table)

Creating the database table and importing test data

We are now going to create a database table for this newly declared DataSource and import some test data into it. For this we will use the Admin Console. To start the Admin Console, launch the application and then navigate to This will open the admin console in a new web page.
In the newly opened page, select the 'Import DataSources' tab and once visible, select the newly created 'supplyItemLong' DataSource. Please make sure you check that the 'Test Data' column is set to 'yes' before doing this. If it is set to 'No', then please check the file names you specified in the previous steps. Once selected, press the 'Import' button at the bottom of the page. (Leave both checkboxes checked to create test data and generate the table).

If successful, you will be notified by a popup window that the DataSource has been imported. 

You can double-check if the import worked correctly by selecting the 'Database Configuration' tab, then select your database name and click the 'Browse' button. In the window that is then displayed, select your database and in the left bottom grid you should see the SUPPLYITEMLONG table. By clicking on it, you should see the imported test data in the grid on the right.

Modifying the sample for detecting concurrent editing

Firstly, we need to make the code use the newly defined DataSource. For this locate the BuiltinDS.html file in the war folder and open it for editing, then navigate to the Script tag that defines the Datasources. This is always prefixed with "DataSourceLoader?datasource=":

<script src="builtinds/sc/DataSourceLoader?dataSource=supplyItem,animals,employees"></script>

and change it to also load our new DataSource:

<script src="builtinds/sc/DataSourceLoader?dataSource=supplyItem,supplyItemLong,animals,employees"></script>

Next, we have to include the new DataSource in the user interface, to allow users to interact with it. For this, edit the BuiltInDS.java file in the com.smartgwt.sample.client package and locate the following code sequence, which sets the records for the ListGrid showing the available DataSources:

grid.setData(new ListGridRecord[]{
    new DSRecord("Animals", "animals"),
    new DSRecord("Office Supplies", "supplyItem"),
    new DSRecord("Employees", "employees")}

and change it add an additional line as shown below:

grid.setData(new ListGridRecord[]{
    new DSRecord("Animals", "animals"),
    new DSRecord("Long Running Edit", "supplyItemLong"),
    new DSRecord("Office Supplies", "supplyItem"),
    new DSRecord("Employees", "employees")}

Rebuild the application and start it. You should now have a new DataSource called Long Running Edit which can be selected. When selected, the data will appear in the grid. It will be the same data as you would expect for the Office Supplies DataSource.

Now that we have the data, we can now look at detecting concurrent changes. For this we will need to use some of the advanced features of DSRequest: On each update, DSRequest holds both the changing data and all of the old data that was originally fetched before any changes took place. We will set these old values as a criteria for updating the row itself. If one of the values in the record doesn't match the values we received as old data, then the update will affect no records. After executing the update, we will then check how many records were affected, and if none were affected, then  the record we were editing has already been changed. If that is the case, we need to re-fetch the existing record from the database  re-display it in the UI, together with an arbitrary error code (-74), which will trigger the UI to handle the concurrecy issues.

So, first let's subclass (extend)  SQLDataSource by creating LongDataSource in the com.smartgwt.sample.server package:

import com.isomorphic.datasource.DSRequest;
import com.isomorphic.datasource.DSResponse;
import com.isomorphic.sql.SQLDataSource;

public class LongDataSource extends SQLDataSource
    private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
    private static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(LongDataSource.class.getName ());

    public DSResponse execute(DSRequest request) throws Exception
        // if it is not update, then we'll simply execute the request and return the result
        if (!request.getOperationType().equals("update"))
            return super.execute(request);
            String pkName = request.getDataSource().getPrimaryKey();

            // security check, oldValues should contain primary key with same value as the one in criteria
            if (!makeLong(request.getCriteria().get(pkName)).equals(makeLong(request.getOldValues().get(pkName))))
                logger.info("Primary key value in old values is not same as in the update values: "+request.getValues().get(pkName).toString()+"!="+

                DSResponse error = new DSResponse();

                return error;

            // save initial criteria for later
            Map updateCriteria = request.getCriteria();

            // set old record we know about as criteria for update and execute the update

            DSResponse response = super.execute(request);

            // if no rows were affected, it means someone else changed the row, so fetch it and
            // send it back to the front-end. This way the front-end will be able to display a dialog
            // containing the current record in the database.
            if (response.getAffectedRows() == 0)
                // create a DSRequest to fetch the record we have to update and execute it
                DSRequest dbRow = new DSRequest();

                // set back the initial criteria we had
                DSResponse dbRecord = dbRow.execute();

                // set the error status to trigger the client-side handling
                return dbRecord;

            // if row was affected, update was successful, so return the response to the user.
            return response;

You can notice we set the RPCManager in the fetch request to the RPCManager of the initial update request, in order to make sure they both run in same transaction. We also made sure both primary keys are Long in the security check by converting them if the case, using a helper function makeLong():

public Long makeLong(Object obj)
    if (obj == null)
        return null;

    if(obj instanceof Long)
        return (Long)obj;

    if (obj instanceof Integer)
        Integer tmp = (Integer)obj;

        return new Long(tmp.longValue());

    if (obj instanceof Number)
        Number tmp = (Number)obj;

        return new Long(tmp.longValue());

    if (obj instanceof String)
        String tmp = (String) obj;

        return new Long(tmp);

    logger.warning("Primary Key type is "+obj.getClass().getName()+", using toString() to convert it to long.");

    return new Long(obj.toString());

We then need a way to make our client side DataSource use this subclassed DataSource. This is achieved by adding


to the supplyItemLong.ds.xml DataSource attributes. It will now look like this:

        <field name="itemID"      type="sequence" hidden="true"       primaryKey="true"/>

Also, we need to update the definition of nextShipment field in the DataSource, since in it's current state it won't allow empty values. To do this, we need to add useTextField="true" to it's definition, like this:

    <field name="nextShipment"  type="date" title="Next Shipment" required="false" useTextField="true"/>

At this point, the server side is set up and the client side should use the newly created LongDataSource class. If a concurrent save occurs, it will be detected and an error popup will be displayed on the client side (you can check this by opening two browser tabs, start editing a line in the grid, then in the second tab edit the same record, save it and then go back to first tab and try to save. You should be notified that error code -74 occurred).

We now need to enhance the client side code to catch the error returned by the server and make use of the latest data that has been returned. How this can be done depends on the actual component but if it is for our arbitrary error code, then we can handle it by displaying a popup window to the user with the database values and his locally changed values. We can then allow the user to overwrite the database values, continue editing or abort their changes. How the 'overwrite values'  works, also depends on the component.

As we will use the same window for the DynamicForm, we will create a separate component, called ConcurrentConflictDialog. It will use the two records passed at construction time (server values and edited values) to inform the user about the values in the database and the locally edited user values.A callback is also passed as a parameter and can call a handler to perform an action based on the user's choice.This has been omitted from this article but you can see this in action by following these links: ConcurrentConflictDialog.java ConcurrentConflictDialogCallback.java  or by reviewing them in the attached document.

Let's see how can we use this window for our grid and our form.

Changing ListGrid to detect concurrent save

For detecting the error code sent back by the server,use the EditFailedHandler on the ListGrid in the BuiltInDS.java:

// add an error handler to handle edit failed error
boundList.addEditFailedHandler(new EditFailedHandler() {

    public void onEditFailed(final EditFailedEvent event) {

        if (event.getDsResponse().getStatus() == -74)
            // get some data we're going to use
            final int rowNum = event.getRowNum();
            final Record serverValues = event.getDsResponse().getData()[0];
            final Record editedValues = boundList.getEditedRecord(rowNum);
            final String[] fields = boundList.getDataSource().getFieldNames();

            final ListGridRecord oldValues = boundList.getRecord(rowNum);

            // create and display a conflict dialog to allow user see database record, his changed
            // record and choose how to resolve the conflict
            final ConcurrentConflictDialog dlg = new ConcurrentConflictDialog(serverValues, editedValues, fields, new ConcurrentConflictDialogCallback() {

                 * This will be called when user choose a option on the conflict dialog
                public void dialogClosed(UserAction userAction) {

                    if (userAction == UserAction.KEEP_EDITING)
                        // if user wants to continue editing, start editing on the list record
                        boundList.startEditing(rowNum, 0, true);
                    else if (userAction == UserAction.DISCARD_CHANGES)
                        // if user wants to discard all changes, then we discard changes
                        // on the row then cancel editing
                        boundList.discardAllEdits(new int[]{rowNum},false);
                    else if (userAction == UserAction.SAVE_ANYWAY)
                        // user wants to overwrite the database values
                        // first set the old values to the values we're received from the server
                        for(int i=0;i<fields.length;i++)

                        // perform save once more, this time the server side should not detect
                        // any change as old values will match the database record (unless of
                        // course somebody changed them yet again meanwhile)
                        boundList.saveAllEdits(null, new int[]{rowNum});


The EditFailedHandler allows us to get the server values and the edited values, thereby allowing us to create the conflict dialogue, which is also passed a callback. Using this callback lets us track the user requested action, so we can perform the necessary next operation:

  • If the user chooses to continue the edit process, then they will be returned to editing the row.
  • If the user chooses to discard their changes, all changes on the given row will be discarded and the editing process will be cancelled.
  • Lastly, if the user chooses to overwrite the new data with their data, then we iterate over the edited fields and set them as attributes in the ListGrid record being edited, which has the same effect as setting them as old values on the next save. After this we issue the save again against the edited row. This time,assuming no one changed the record in the interim, and as we have set the attributes, the old values will match the existing values in the database, meaning no concurrent edit will be detected, so the save will be successful. However, if in the meantime, someone else edits this record again, then the received old values won't match the changed database record and the entire cycle will iterate(i.e. the newly changed database record will be returned to to the user highlighting the concurrent editing issue and the new database values).

Changing DynamicForm to detect concurrent save

Changing  a DynamicForm to intercept the response code from the server is a little more complicated,. Firstly, we need to tell the form to not suppress validation errors.The code below shows how to do this:


Next, we need to create a method that will save the form:

 * Helper method to save the bound form
 * @param oldValues the old values of the fields. If this is specified, before the
 * save request is made, form field old values will be set to these values. This is used
 * when user choose to overwrite the database values with his own, case in which the
 * database values have to become old values in order to perform a successful save
 * (otherwise save will fail as current old values will be different than the ones in the
 * database record).
private void saveForm(Record oldValues)
    // this is required in order to be able to handle errors on server side
    com.smartgwt.client.data.DSRequest req = new com.smartgwt.client.data.DSRequest();

    // if we're saved with old value, then set them up in the request
    if (oldValues != null)

    // save form data
    boundForm.saveData(new DSCallback(){

        public void execute(DSResponse response, Object rawData,
            com.smartgwt.client.data.DSRequest request)
            // check if we have a concurrency issue
            if (response.getStatus() == -74)
                // set up some data we're going to use later in the dialog
                final Record editedValues = boundForm.getValuesAsRecord();
                final String[] fields = boundList.getDataSource().getFieldNames();
                final Record serverValues = response.getData()[0];

                // create a conflict dialog and display it to the user
                final ConcurrentConflictDialog dlg = new ConcurrentConflictDialog(serverValues, editedValues, fields, new ConcurrentConflictDialogCallback() {

                     * This will be called when user choose a option on the conflict dialog
                    public void dialogClosed(UserAction userAction) {

                        if (userAction == UserAction.KEEP_EDITING)
                            // no action needs to be performed if user wants to keep editing
                        else if (userAction == UserAction.DISCARD_CHANGES)
                            // if user wants to discard changes, we cancel editing and
                            // clear form values
                        else if (userAction == UserAction.SAVE_ANYWAY)
                            // User wants to overwrite the database values.
                            // save the form once more, with the server sent values as old values


            // if operation was successful, then clear form values and disable save button
            if (response.getStatus() == DSResponse.STATUS_SUCCESS)
    }, req);

The code follows the same approach as the error handler on the ListGrid. However, we need to make sure the handler will be called when an error is found. For this, we create a DSRequest and configure it accordingly. As an extra difference, if there are old values to be set (previously the user chose to overwrite the database values) we will have to set them into this newly created DSRequest to make them available on the server. Note: With ListGrid, they were made available by setting them as attributes.

Also, when user opts to overwrite the database values, we simply call the save function once more, passing the values sent by the server and set as the old values.

If the save is performed successfully, we clear the form values and disable the save button.

Then, all that is left to be done, is to refactor the save button ClickHandler to call our function, so replace the code with this:

saveBtn.addClickHandler(new ClickHandler() {
    public void onClick(final ClickEvent event) {

We pass null as parameter, as initially we don't have any old values from the server.

Finally, since we changed the nextShipment field definition in the DataSource, when the edited record is changed, we need to set the nextShipment field value to the one in the record to be edited, like this:

boundList.addRecordClickHandler(new RecordClickHandler() {
    public void onRecordClick(RecordClickEvent event) {
        Record record = event.getRecord();
        boundForm.setValue("nextShipment", record.getAttributeAsDate("nextShipment"));

Testing the functionality

The functionality can be tested with two open windows. After selecting our Long Running Edit DataSource in both, start editing one row in one of the windows, but don't submit the form. Then go to the second page and change the same row you're editing in the first window and save the changes. Then go back to the first window and save those changes. Concurrent change should be detected and you should get something like this:

Some notes:

  • in LongDataSource, you have to override the execute() method. Overriding execute_udpdate() does not seem to work.
  • Fields which are or will be set to null won't show up in the Record sometimes, so when you have to iterate over the record for setting old values for all fields, is best to retrieve the list of fields from the DataSource.

An Eclipse project with all the required files can be downloaded from here: builtinds-concurrentChanges.zip. You will still need to create the DataSource and import the sample data as described in this document.